
Eberhard der Gruslige – Geistergeschichten der Klasse 7a

Michael Jaesrich

Entstanden ist die folgende Geschichte im Rahmen einer Schreibwerkstatt zum Thema Geistergeschichten. Bevor die Schüler der Klasse 7a selbst kreativ werden konnten, wurden gemeinsam mit Lehrerin Franziska Rieder unterschiedliche Geistergeschichten analysiert und genretypische Merkmale erarbeitet. Danach begannen die Siebtklässler mit ihren eigenen Entwürfen. Das Feedback der Mitschüler sorgte für eine intensive Auseinandersetzung mit den Texten und so wurden die Geschichten immer wieder überarbeitet und verbessert. Den Abschluss des Projektes bildete ein gemeinsamer Leseabend, an dem alle 22 Texte vorgetragen wurden. Die nun folgende Geschichte wurde von der Klasse zur Siegergeschichte gekürt. Der Autorin Amelie Edelburg war es gelungen, eine gruselige Geschichte zu verfassen, die unseren Namensgeber Graf Eberhard zur Hauptperson, besser gesagt zum Hauptgeist macht. Viel Spaß mit der Geschichte…aber Vorsicht, dieser Text ist nichts für zarte Gemüter!


"The failed Abi-Scherz

 It was the day before the Abi-Scherz. Eight girls went to their school and hid in the school toilet. As soon as everyone was gone, they came out. It was dark and nobody was there, only the eight girls. The atmosphere was tense and gloomy and although they knew the school, they felt threatened. The girls walked around the entire school and prepared the Abi-Scherz. Suddenly, the girls saw a person. A normal person, but he was a little bit transparent. His cape was dusty and hovered around his body. He looked like Graf Eberhard! That's impossible because he died 521 years ago, but the description fit him. A beard, old clothes. He really looked like Graf Eberhard. The girls were very shocked that the ghost of Graf Eberhard was here in this school. “Why is he a ghost?” whispered two of the girls. But suddenly he was gone right through a wall. The girls ran down to their classroom, but they knew that they were no longer alone. They felt the eyes of the ghost in their necks. “Why are you haunting us?” the girls cried desperately. The ghost came out of a wall and looked upset. He whispered with a dark voice, “Because you broke a taboo and woke me up! You aren't allowed to go to school at night!”. “But we are senior students and tomorrow is our Abi-Scherz!” said the girls. But the ghost said angrily, “I don’t care! You broke a taboo and woke me up!”. The girls got goose bumps and chattered. Then the ghost came to them with a knife. The girls ran away, but he followed them. They ran faster and faster, but the ghost flew to them and caught them. The girls screamed desperately. The next day the headmaster found eight dead bodies with eight stabs. Nobody knew what happened. Some students said that it was the ghost of Graf Eberhard, but nobody believed that. The case was never solved."

Amelie Edelburg Klasse 7a